Caprigliola |
Oggi ha avuto inizio quello che sarà un progetto, che, tempo libero permettendo, mi impegnerò a portare avanti con costanza. :)
Quanti di voi, guidando o semplicemente passeggiando per le strade, hanno visto a volte indicazioni di piccoli paesi mai sentiti nominare e si son chiesti dove portassero quelle strade? A me è capitato più di una volta, e sono spesso stata spinta dalla curiosità di andare a vedere dove queste strade portassero, ma la pigrizia ha sempre avuto il sopravvento.
Finalmente oggi, anche grazie alla prima bella giornata di sole dopo un lungo periodo di pioggia, e al lento avvicinarsi della primavera, ho deciso di fare quello che avevo già in mente da tempo: esplorare l'entroterra e le zone limitrofe a dove abito, per scoprire ogni singolo gioiello nascosto tra i boschi e le colline.
La prima tappa di questo viaggio è stata Caprigliola, piccola frazione arroccata sul monte sulla strada che porta alla città di Aulla.
L'ingresso della cittadella - The entrance |
Ero già venuta qui una volta, ma era buio e mi ero fermata alle porte del paese, dato che mi trovavo in auto con una mia amica, oggi invece, accompagnata da un amico e dal mio cane Berry, ci siamo lanciati alla scoperta di questo pittoresco paese risalente a prima del 1400.
Caprigliola si trova in Lunigiana, e, data la sua posizione strategica, domina tutta la zona circostante, e la vista che si ha dalle mura è a dir poco strepitosa.
Il fiume Magra - The Magra river |
Le colline della Lunigiana - Lunigiana's hills |
Dopo aver beneficiato della bellezza del paesaggio, io, il mio amico e Berry, abbiamo deciso di darci all'esplorazione del paese e dei
suoi innumerevoli vicoli.
Una delle vie del paese - The streets |
Il paese - The village |
La Chiesa di San Nicola - San Nicola's Church |
Una volta completato il giro delle mura siamo giunti davanti alla Chiesa di San Nicola, uno degli edifici più antichi e più importanti del paese, risalente al 1600 ma realizzata con pezzi della Chiesa preesistente.
Dopo aver ultimato il giro, abbiamo intrapreso la discesa verso la nostra auto, rimanendo affascinati da ogni singolo vicolo che incontravamo, e nell'apprezzare soprattutto, come questo paese, nonostante la sua ubicazione, sia ancora vivo, pieno di gente cordiale e di bambini che giocano per le piccole vie ciottolate.
Today started what will be a project that, spare time allowing, I will do my best to keep updated. :)
How many of you, driving or maybe just walking among the streets, saw signs to small unknown villages and wondered where those streets bring? It happened to me more than once, and I always wanted to see where those streets were bringing, but I was too lazy to do that.
Finally today, thanks to the first sunny day after a very long time of rainy days, and at the slow incoming of the spring, I decided to explore the land close to were I live, to discover every single jewel hidden between forests and hills.
My first stop was Caprigliola, small town on the hills, close to the street which brings to Aulla.
I went here once, but it was dark and I just stopped at the beginning of the village, since I was in the car with a friend; today, instead, with a friend and my dog Berry, we started this project exploring this picturesque town built before 1400.
Caprigliola is in Lunigiana, and, thanks to its location, you can see all the nearby, so the view is amazing.
From one side it is possible to see the awesome landscape of Magra river, which crosses Albiano's land, while on the other side we can see the hills in the nearby, which reach the city of Aulla.
After the stunning view, me, my friend and Berry, decided to start exploring the village and its streets.
Since we didn't want to lose our orientation (for people who don't live in the village it is very difficult to know where to go between the narrow streets without getting lost) we started for a walk along the wall (another reason of this choice was that we didn't want to lose the view).
Once we completed the tour of the wall we reached San Nicola's Church, one of the oldest building, and also one of the most important of the town.
It was built in 1600, but created with pieces of the previous Church.
When we finished the tour, we got back to our car, looking every single narrow street and we appreciated the fact that the village is full of life and friendly people, with kids playing around the pebbled streets.
Today started what will be a project that, spare time allowing, I will do my best to keep updated. :)
How many of you, driving or maybe just walking among the streets, saw signs to small unknown villages and wondered where those streets bring? It happened to me more than once, and I always wanted to see where those streets were bringing, but I was too lazy to do that.
Finally today, thanks to the first sunny day after a very long time of rainy days, and at the slow incoming of the spring, I decided to explore the land close to were I live, to discover every single jewel hidden between forests and hills.
My first stop was Caprigliola, small town on the hills, close to the street which brings to Aulla.
I went here once, but it was dark and I just stopped at the beginning of the village, since I was in the car with a friend; today, instead, with a friend and my dog Berry, we started this project exploring this picturesque town built before 1400.
Caprigliola is in Lunigiana, and, thanks to its location, you can see all the nearby, so the view is amazing.
From one side it is possible to see the awesome landscape of Magra river, which crosses Albiano's land, while on the other side we can see the hills in the nearby, which reach the city of Aulla.
After the stunning view, me, my friend and Berry, decided to start exploring the village and its streets.
Since we didn't want to lose our orientation (for people who don't live in the village it is very difficult to know where to go between the narrow streets without getting lost) we started for a walk along the wall (another reason of this choice was that we didn't want to lose the view).
Once we completed the tour of the wall we reached San Nicola's Church, one of the oldest building, and also one of the most important of the town.
It was built in 1600, but created with pieces of the previous Church.
When we finished the tour, we got back to our car, looking every single narrow street and we appreciated the fact that the village is full of life and friendly people, with kids playing around the pebbled streets.
Brava Fraaaa! Bellissimo reportage e anche le foto!! In questi giorni ti faccio un pochino di pubblicità:) Un bacione!!
RispondiEliminaSono contenta che ti piaccia!! :D